Small Steps Create Big Results

Report for Week 2

Day 8: 11/5/2020

I caulked the gaps on my back porch.

We have an enclosed back porch that’s convenient because it keeps things dry and protected from the sun, but it’s not insulated so it gets very warm in the summer and very cold in the winter. There are a lot of really awesome, many-paned windows that create a lot of natural light. The space is full of potential, it’s just unfinished. The bare wood has been there since before we moved in. I’m so excited to see what it will look like when it’s all painted!


Day 9: 11/6/2020 I finished painting the trim on my front porch.

My mom and I spent countless hours working on this porch this past year (seriously, probably over 100 hours combined between me, Mom, Dad, and Curt). My dad, Curtis, and I built the benches with storage lids, we built a fun reading nook, refinished the floor, hung curtains, caulked, painted, made pillows, hung the hammock and pictures. When it got to the point where it looked good enough, I put off doing the finishing touches. The trim here was the most noticeable one to me, so it feels PHENOMONAL to have it finished now!


Day 10: 11/7/2020 I finished caulking and painting the outside trim on the front of my house.

See last week’s post for more info on this one, but I will add that the upper trim was a lot of work. I was going to just paint up there, but after doing a base coat I realized that I really needed to caulk some really big gaps and I’m so glad I did because it really finished off the whole look. I love how it turned out!


Day 11: 11/8/2020 Rest day!

Day 12: 11/9/2020

I touched up the paint on the dining room walls where I had removed nails and caulked last week. It only took a few minutes once I’d found the paint and the paintbrush.


Day 13: 11/10/2020

I assisted Curtis while he switched the outlet on my side of the bed.

Curtis switched the two prong outlet out for the three prong outlet and now I can plug in things like my laptop charger or extension cords on my side of the bed instead of having the cord go over to his side. Yippee! It was really interesting to watch him switch it out. I learned some new things about white and hot and green wire….somethings. Maybe I’ll have to watch him switch out another one to get the whole gist of it.


Day 14: 11/11/2020

I’ve decided Wednesdays will be my reporting days.